Monday, March 12, 2007

From The Beginning.....

Most of you don't know that prior to age 15, I was always the shortest, skinniest kid in my class. All of that changed with a series of cortisone shots, a blown knee, and finally being just plain lazy. I have yo yo dieted for years and have always been able to lose the weight. However, I always put it back on in due time.

I was fortunate in 2006 when I had an annual physical to find out that I have been lucky thus far to still be in a good health other than my weight. I have known for years that I needed to drop a lot of weight or I could fall victim to the same circumstances that plagued my father. However, I never could stay motivated to stay the course with my diet and exercise plans.

Then the winter of 2004 came along and my entire life changed. I found the love of my life in Rebecca and my view of my health began to change. Upon being married in May of 2006, I made a promise to myself that the weight was going to come off and I was going to live healthier. Living healthy is not hard since she is a food scientist. However, having the will power to lose the weight is a different story.

So here we are today and I am now 316.4 lbs. I am now going to embark on a very public weight loss effort. I want everybody's help. I have always been very quiet as to what is my actual weight. Well the cat is out of the bag and I want all the encouragement I can get. My goal is to lose 81.4 lbs in 12 months. That is right. My goal weight is 235 lbs. My wife is designing a diet for each day and I have agreed to exercise on a daily basis. We are going to fight this together. Some people have said to reward myself at the end of my journey. My reward is to be able to live many healthy years with my wife and to pass on all the wisdom my parents gave me on to my future kids. So visit my sight often. I plan to give many updates and photos. Thanks for all of your help.


Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

Good for you, Toby! I am proud you are taking this GIANT step. You can do it, and hopefully encourage the rest of us along the way! Good luck this week!

Brian & Jamie

Marti Jo said...

Wow, very impressed with your blogging skills. Good luck with your new weight loss plan!!
Sis and Chad

Shump said...

Good luck Toby, I know you can do it. This is not just a physical journey, but a spiritual one also. I will be being praying for your success. I always keep telling myslef that my best physical shape is ahead of me, not behind me. I know yours is too!!

kevinbox said...

Ain't no thing brother!! You will be in my prayers!! Let me know if I can be of any help whatsoever!!

Damon said...

I know you can do this. I hate to be the first selfish comment, but is there anyway I could take a peek at your diet plan after you nail it down. Ryan, Chrissie, Steph, and I were just discussing tonight how bad our diets/exercise/physical fitness lives are. I remember a comment Dr. James Park made to me early on in my back trouble,"it is human nature to wait for a pain to start before we attempt to make a change. By that time it is often too late." I of course need not be informed of this again, as I have suffered dearly for it. I am so glad you are being proactive. The condition of our physical bodies often gets pushed to the end of the list of our priorities. This works until something goes wrong. In actuallity, taking care of our bodies doesn't have to take a back seat to anything that is technically more important. Give me a priority that is more important that taking care of our bodies (and there are many) and I can figure out a way to meet both priorities without sacrificing either. I would say good luck, but luck will have nothing to do with this particular venture. Perhaps good support, good desire,

Travis said...

You're taking the biggest step right now and that's enlisting all your friends.
Let us know how we can help.
If Becca will cook for me every night, I'll join you. Wait, don't tell Alisha I said that.
Good luck!