Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Starting Over Again....

I weighed in at 258 lbs. That is my new starting weight. I am still down 58 lbs so far. However, I want to finish this year down 70 lbs. I need to lose another 12 lbs in 2 1/2 months. I would love for more, but I want a realistic goal.

Losing 12 lbs will put me in that elusive 240's category. I am still focusing on my original goal of 235 lbs by March of 2008. I still have six months to lose 23 lbs. I feel that is easily going to be accomplished.

It has been harder getting back on the wagon. However, i am taking it day by day. More to come very soon.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Is Getting Tough!!!

As many of you have noticed, I have not updated the old blog site in a while. The fact is, I strayed from the diet and have not wanted to face it over the last 6 weeks. I knew I had put on some weight but was not sure how bad it was. I talked with a good friend of mine yesterday, Brad Shumpert, about my lapse in discipline. He was very encouraging. Time to get back up on that horse and ride harder than I did before. I hope to have a good push over the next few weeks while my body readjust again to the dieting. I still have time to lose a lot of weight by the end of this year.

I will be updating my weight this coming Monday. I will get back on track beginning today. My wife has challenged me to a little competition. She is training for the Race for the Cure in a couple of weeks and is running daily. Being the competitor that I am, I have to get back on track.

Stay tuned for new weight on Monday.