Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Is Getting Tough!!!

As many of you have noticed, I have not updated the old blog site in a while. The fact is, I strayed from the diet and have not wanted to face it over the last 6 weeks. I knew I had put on some weight but was not sure how bad it was. I talked with a good friend of mine yesterday, Brad Shumpert, about my lapse in discipline. He was very encouraging. Time to get back up on that horse and ride harder than I did before. I hope to have a good push over the next few weeks while my body readjust again to the dieting. I still have time to lose a lot of weight by the end of this year.

I will be updating my weight this coming Monday. I will get back on track beginning today. My wife has challenged me to a little competition. She is training for the Race for the Cure in a couple of weeks and is running daily. Being the competitor that I am, I have to get back on track.

Stay tuned for new weight on Monday.


Shump said...

You can do it. There is no shame is falling off the wagon, the problem is not trying to get back on. That may be the rest of our lives, but at least we are trying to do something.

Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

Good for you! I'll be looking for the next post!


ladybug said...

Yesterday is just that, yesterday. It has passed. We are all lucky to be given a new day when we awaken. Continue to count your successes with each new day. You will move forward one day at a time, one pound at a time. You will make it happen. You're back in the saddle again, now giddy up!

Melissa said...

I check your blog regularly and am glad to see that you are back. We all struggle and like shump said it's the getting back on the wagon and you are doing it. Someone once told me that you fail when you quit trying. You are not giving up and that's all that matters. You can do it.

Hang in there,